Tuesday, August 17, 2010


This morning we got up early to meet some good friends for breakfast. They're here from out of town - well, a lot of friends are, actually. You see, there was a wedding on Sunday. Correction. There was a lovely wedding on Sunday of some dear friends which means a whole slew of college friends have been in town recently. Mr. S and I aren't complaining. Have I told you about our weekly potluck? I can't remember, so humor me.

Mr. S lived with some good friends his senior year of college, and a number of those friends (plus significant others) now gather every Thursday for a potluck dinner. Someone emails the group early in the week to "claim" hosting duties and generate a theme. (As a very random side note, we just lost power for no apparent reason. I love it when that happens, don't you?) Right. Anyway, over the course of the past (two years? I don't actually know how long this has been happening), some of the potluck crew has moved away for various reasons, but mostly grad school. Always, others have come along to replenish the numbers so that potluck regularly consists of about 18 people total.

The couple married on Sunday is part of the potluck crew, and is part of the original crew, I believe. Suffice it to say, many college friends were reunited this weekend. There was an epic potluck on Thursday with more people than ever, an engagement announced, a celebration of three other recent engagements (I know! Wedding explosion!!), lots of wedding talk by the ladies, lots of beer consumed by the gentlemen while avoiding the wedding talk, and general enjoyment of being surrounded by good friends again. Friday was the bachelorette party. Sunday was the wedding (so. much. fun.). Last night we gathered for a birthday party (same group, plus a few more) and to say goodbye to some of the potluck crew moving away. And then met with one of the couples for breakfast this morning. Whew! I didn't know we had it in us to be this social. But truly we wouldn't have it any other way.

So today I'm choosing to write about friends instead of telling you how miserably I've failed at keeping up with The Cleaning Schedule for the last week and a half. And we won't mention the bathroom - besides finding a spider in the shower! this morning! Eeek. Or the dishes I was supposed to do yesterday that are still sitting on the counter. Or, or, or. *However, I DID make the bed this morning!* Nope. I'm writing about friends because it feels good be surrounded by such wonderful people; because I'm sad about our friends who are moving away, though happy they'll be in the same city as our sisters so we'll see them more often; because I'm so happy for our friends who were married this weekend - their wedding was beautiful and they were so visibly happy; because I wish this entire group could all live in the same neighborhood so it could be kind of like college where you could always find a friend by walking across the hall, except we wouldn't be in dorms and we'd be more grown up (well, at least older). While the latter isn't likely to happen, I will continue to wish it. In the meantime, I will enjoy these moments when we are all together. Good friends can be hard to come by. We are lucky to have so many.

~ Ms. S 

ps - try as i might to find a photo of all of us (one does exist!), no one has yet uploaded it to facebook. once that happens, i will update this post with a photo - and hope no one in the group minds. :)

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